Monday, August 2, 2010

Why can’t Susie sit still in class?

As your kids go back to school, you may be concerned about how well they are able to sit still and learn what they’re supposed to learn in the classroom. Many children are being diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in our country and unfortunately they’re being medicated in order to “solve” a problem which could possibly be related to foods that they are eating.

Did you know that what you eat (and subsequently what your children eat) can affect mood, energy and emotions? Have you ever found yourself to be irritable or restless during the day for no apparent reason? Well, this can have much to do with the foods you are eating and their effects on your blood sugar levels. Many of us eat carbohydrate-only breakfasts including cereals, bagels and toaster pops. Even fruits are carbohydrates. When you eat these types of foods, they act like kindling on a fire. Your blood sugar rises quickly but can also take sudden drops. (Kindling can light quickly but also doesn’t sustain the fire.) Since you aren’t also consuming foods that are more like logs on the fire (proteins and good fats) your blood sugar has ups and downs, causing mood swings, drops in energy and frankly cause you to feel like you need to keep moving to stay awake (hyperactive).

A good way to keep this from happening is to consume meals that include protein as well as complex carbohydrates. So, if you’re concerned about little Tommy or Susie’s behavior in class, try giving them a poached egg or two along with a piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast. If you don’t have time to cook an egg for them in the morning, cook hard boiled eggs the night before that can easily be eaten. Also, if you have trouble getting them to eat their veggies, it is beneficial to give them a good multivitamin that provides them with the nutrients they need to have healthy bones, healthy minds and healthy digestive tracts.

We recommend Standard Process Catalyn, which is also available in a chewable form and has a nice cherry flavor. Another good vitamin for each child to take is Tuna Omega-3 Fish Oil which is also available in the chewable flavored perle. This provides the child with healthy Omega-3 fats, which help with many functions throughout the body, including brain development.

If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask our doctors.

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